For billions across the globe — 9-5 desk jobs, night shifts, virtual offices, constant travel jobs, farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and coffee baristas — their income-producing vocations are pregnant with God-worship and God-presence possibilities. Business places can be a regular place to worship God, if we purpose to thrive there according to our calling.
Doing your job can be a vibrant expression of close partnership with God. I’m thinking of several key scripture passages that confirm this idea. Two are: “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands” (Ps 90:17). “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ” (Col 3:23-25).
I don’t need to check my connectedness with God at the door of my business and pick it back up as I leave for home. I am created to experience God all of the time. It is my inheritance to live in the reality of having full access to God’s resources – wisdom, understanding, creativity, service heart – in any situation. Why would I exclude my greatest advantage source from my job, the place where I spend the majority of my time?
Perhaps it would help to redefine “worship.” I don’t see myself loudly singing in my cubicle or on the airplane, or raising my hands and closing my eyes during my webinar presentation (although it’s possible, but probably not effective for wanting to cultivate wise influential relationships outside of church). Worshiping God in any situation can look like relying on Him for solutions to knotty challenges. Or consciously resting in the knowledge that He designed me to thrive by working, with special God-given gifts to offer to my business. Here’s another way: Write or type short notes to God, either on paper or in your Evernote account, acknowledging His presence and help along the way. These are authentic ways to adore Him.
He desires my conversations, nods, responses, to His ever-present partnership with me. Not to put pressure on me, but to lead me into accessing a well of provision which I previously missed. I think Brave Step #2 is a great action plan for marketplace people. See my post “A Man, Not An Invisible Cloud” (Blog. Facebook page.) And tell me how today’s post stirred you.
© Sharon Gonzales. February 16, 2015.
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