I want to start chipping away at a disheartening myth about Christians in the workplace – the belief that my workplace job is subpar to a pastor’s job, or full-time intercessor’s vocation, or any other “full-time ministry” description. Any field in which our wise, kind Father God places us is not less than; it is always greater than. Because He led you there and gave you it to you. He is the God who is everywhere with us, longing to be known in love and power in any venue imaginable.
Doing your work, your vocation, is holy and sanctioned. It’s good. God gave Adam a beautiful garden in which to work. God even joined him in the work, participating by being with Adam and talking with him about every step.
Jesus worked as carpenter, changed His vocation to circuit minister, and then to Savior of the world. Each phase of His “career” was equally holy, as He is perfectly holy in all things. Therefore every season and every choice He made was most holy.
We are made in His image and are created to reflect Him in every way. I want to reflect Him in this way too. If He did it, then I can do it.
When I wake up, have my coffee, and spend quality time with Jesus, hearing His heart and sharing my heart with Him, I express intimate partnership with Him. When I go to my daily job, I am still in partnership with Jesus. I am always one with Him. How much I agree with this truth and engage in my workplace job from this perspective makes a big difference.
Consider this: Remaining closely connected to Jesus while at your job is a faith-filled expression of loving God, born out of the quiet-time-alone-with-God love expression. Quiet alone-time with God is the spot-on event of intimate partnership. We live by it. He is our Fountain, our Source. I can’t live without the open connection. Once I’m renewed in the relationship, I can take this reality WITH me anywhere, everywhere. From this perspective, going to work is a wider expression of connection with Him. Selah.
Holy Spirit, I invite You to renew our minds and hearts in the truth that Jesus is fully with us in the marketplace. Let us shift into greater agreement that He delights in the workplace venue, where He joins us, partnering together, fellowshipping together, creating synergy, enjoying life.
© Sharon Gonzales. February 11, 2015.
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