
He leads us into opportunities where we can rise above our circumstances and discover Him as real, touchable, tangible. You and I already have the Greater Witness in us, as the One full of hope, joy, peace. Love, Joy and Peace are Jesus Himself, Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). You and I truly can live in the reality of His kingdom on earth, in righteousness, peace and joy.

Even if you might find yourself in prison, as Paul was in prison, you have full access to the One who enables you to sing. When you know God’s love and are confident in His good plans, you can walk through the door of truth-thinking, be fueled by His love, and take truth-action steps. In the midst of that place where you feel like you are stuck, something can shift so that you are able to see God and enter into His presence.

This is a greater works shift: leaving the “Where are You, God?” approach and stepping into the “I see You; I know You are here with me; I am confident in Your love” posture. In this day and hour, to be in the workplace, walking by the Spirit in this way, is a grand work.

© Sharon Gonzales. 8 June 2015.

Image compliments of Feelart, freedigitalphotos.com