Oh My dove, in the clefts of the rock… Let Me hear your voice… (Song of Solomon 2:14).
There is a secret price to experiencing the fullness of His resurrection life. It is the same price that He paid. It cost the Son His life. It will cost me mine.
My Beloved points to a new place for me to abide, an unfamiliar setting. It is the cross. The secret place that He calls me to is hidden in the rock, the hardness of the cross. In this new secret place with Him, the cross promises to mark me, to brand me. Jesus reassures me that this is necessary for me to attain all that He intends for me.
Oh, how I have longed to know Him in every way. His invitation is now extended to know Him in the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10). “Embrace the cross,” He insists. “I desire to have full satisfaction in you. Your beauty will be refined by its magnificence. All that hinders love will be removed as you learn to sing in the clefts of the rock, the ancient cross.”
My Lord, I have heard of the beauty of the cross. Up to now, I admit that it has been a mystery to me. Yet, I am willing to go. Take me away, into the secret place, the new secret place. Truly, the way is narrow. I hear Your whisper to me, “I yearn for you to live for Me alone. Let Me show you the way.”
© Sharon Gonzales. March 17, 2015.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles FreeDigitalPhotos.net