What is this message in the greatest song ever penned? I want it to be real to me.
It is a song of love that He sings over us, with the intent of changing you forever. At first, to our unbelieving mind, it simply sounds like a passionate reflection of the deep love between a man and his wife. This is the mystery of Christ and the church. In Ephesians 5:29 we read that our Lord nourishes and cherishes His wife, the Bride. These are affectionate terms. To nourish means to strengthen, to nurture. To cherish means to care for tenderly, to hold dear.
This prophetic book—a poetic song that captures the heart of the Eternal Bride—is the greatest one of all. The Divine romance of this heavenly inspired book opens our hearts in a way that no other book in the Bible can. The concentration of passionate truth locked away in the Song of Solomon cuts into our hearts like a laser, unlocking our hearts into the Bridal relationship with the Beloved.
Jesus, our Beloved Bridegroom, is devoted to growing us in personal passion for Him, and for Him alone. In His divine wisdom and love, the Father summoned the Holy Spirit to release the words of life that are found in the Song of Solomon. When the Holy Spirit penned these eight chapters, He resolutely desired to reveal Jesus as the Bridegroom to the one who would be the Bride. The Father, Beloved, and Holy Spirit agreed that we, the Bride-to-be, would need a handbook of wisdom that would guide us in the journey into the fullness of His affections, into the fullness of our affections for Him.
Some say it is unrealistic to believe that such emotions can be a part of our God. For far too long we have bought the lie that our God is aloof, or is simply tolerating us. Yes, we say, He loves me. But, do I know that He says this about ME: “You RAVISH my heart…” These are the words of a passionate God, a God who is in love with you, and is moved with the emotion of this love.
© Sharon Gonzales. March 6, 2015.
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