If Jesus walked into the room where you are right now, certainly He would dramatically change your day!  I want this kind of drama.


Let us consider the bold reality of Jesus’ goodbye assurance to His disciples and friends, as He looked upon His Father and heavenly home, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20 ). To “be sure” means you are undisputably convinced, definitely guaranteed, unquestionably certain. Wouldn’t you agree that He meant what He said?

It’s solid truth. He is with you and me at every moment.  He’s a Man, not an invisible cloud, so I can know His Presence in a tangible way.  I think the only thing that hinders me from living in the reality of Jesus dramatically being with me is me.  Help my unbelief!

Holy Spirit, put me on the bridge which connects between Jesus’ promise of Presence and my daily experience of the Man Jesus in the room with me. The bridge is called Truth and Faith.

I can access this bridge at any moment. One step onto the bridge will begin to build this reality on earth, as it is in heaven.  Yes, it’s a process of discovery, yet I can be there immediately too.  It’s one of His glorious mysteries.

I dare you step onto the bridge. Join me in the discovery journey, agreeing with God to behold Him in the room.  This brings me to BRAVE STEP #2: Live as if He is in the room.

© Sharon Gonzales • January 23, 2015