Too often our lives are distracted from what truly matters. It is during the distracting situations that we need His love to blow over us, drawing us back into Him.
I’m speaking about the Song of Solomon book in the center of the Bible. Its revelation is meant to be the foundation for our lives—in prayer, ministry, spiritual warfare. It is a foundation of personal intimacy with Jesus. From a warm, friendly, close-contact relationship with Jesus flows undying passion for Him, His Church, and the unreached. From this place we truly have something to give.
The working of Song of Solomon in our lives uproots our works mindset, and brings us into a place of leaning upon our God. It is a journey out of the old, into a progressively new place of partnering for the harvest with our Beloved Warrior Bridegroom.
I was first introduced to the Song of Solomon treasures in 2004 by reading Wade Taylor’s book, Secret of the Stairs (1). During that time, our church met every Friday evening for a year to focus on a complete study of the Song of Solomon. We followed Mike Bickle’s teaching outline, published by the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (2).
It was a life changing experience.
The word-power in Song of Solomon opened the door into a new journey with Jesus. It has given me strength to believe for much. A good deal of fruit now grows from the soil of those teachings– amplified faith, greater perseverance and heightened belief. Jesus the Bridegroom has strengthened the fight in me and the joy of worship. Truth discovered in this Holy Spirit inspired book has given me wisdom and understanding to sort through life’s ups and downs.
Since that season, I was inspired to write a devotional from Song of Solomon–Closer Today Than Yesterday. It provides a daily or weekly springboard into meditation upon the Song of Solomon treasure chest. I will be posting excerpts from the devotional for a little bit.
© Sharon Gonzales. March 3, 2015.
Closer Today Than Yesterday, A Song of Solomon Devotional by Sharon Gonzales.
(1) The Secret of the Stairs: A Guide to Spiritual Growth from the Song of Solomon, Wade Taylor, Wade Taylor Publications; 5th edition (September 1, 2003). (2) The Song of Songs, a Comprehensive verse-by-verse teaching series, Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer-Kansas City,…/category/intimacy/song-of-songs/
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